Only spend money on a face you love...

I recently had a client that came in for a spray tan.  (Yes, I do spray tans here, too!)   I gave her a towel wrap to change in to, and excused myself out of the room.   When I came back in, she was a little teary eyed and explained to me that she had recently had a radical mastectomy, and although she knows I am a nurse, she just wanted me to not be shocked.   I immediately wanted to put her at ease, so I smiled at her and assured her I had seen way worse than a post-mastectomy scar in my 20+ years as a nurse.  She smiled, cried a little, and we hugged.

We gathered our composure, laughed and talked about her upcoming vacation.  When her spray was finished, we both marveled at how beautiful she looked.   We both agreed that a nice bronze tan hides so many imperfections and decided we would both rather be tanned with one boob, than stark white with two.    Her attitude was infectious.   She was actually just a normal looking middle aged female, with all the scars and stretch marks of previous childbirths.   She had the basic “mom” body that we all have; a little heavier in places with the flaws our children inflicted on us during their time in the womb that even Houdini couldn’t dematerialize.  Wow, she was beautiful and she had a new battle wound now. 

I know it sounds cliché to write a blog about embracing our bodies and loving the skin we are in.  As an adult woman raising a 15 year old daughter in the year 2017, I can’t hit it home enough.  I am 43 and still have days that I change out of an outfit I had planned on wearing because I feel like I look fat.  Positive self- image for our young adults is critical.  Please understand, I’m not saying to go on a Little Debbie eating spree and forego the cardio, or rush straight to the tanning salon and pay for a year membership, or even party like a rock star all through your 20’s because your face and health shouldn’t matter. 

Self-worth is KEY.  My body is worth protecting.  My face is worth nurturing.  My organs are worth nourishing.  My psyche deserves good vibes.

Yes, I love my Dysport, Botox, and Restylane.  I only look forward to fall for all the wonderful TCA chemical peels I know I’m about to get.  This is just MY choice, and the choice of my clients.  I promise you however, I KNOW MANY people that think Botox is crazy and toxic, and filler is only like the caulk that’s used to seal the shower tile, and that is fine.  It’s a choice of how you want to feed your self-worth and nurture your face and body.   Botox is great, but start off working on a face you already love.

One of the questions that make me squirm the most is when a client asks, “What do YOU think I need to have done?”   That’s a question I always reply back with, “What bothers you the most?”  I know some really gorgeous people with “11’s”, crow’s feet, wrinkles, hyperpigmentation, overweight, too thin, double chin, and the list goes on.  Those flaws aren’t a priority to THEM.

Fixing a flaw is great if it makes you feel better.  Let’s face it… We all have flaws that have no easy fix or no fix at all.  In that case, embrace it.  Love it.  Know that it’s the one little thing that makes you, YOU.    

So, young girls and ladies:  Wear that one breast proudly, rock a pair of jeans that shows your curves, wear the bikini, go to the store bare-faced on a Saturday,  throw your hair in a messy bun, don’t hide the scars,  throw back your shoulders, and straighten your tiara.

**While I was tying up my loose ends on this blog, my mother stopped by Face First and stepped into my office.  My mom was diagnosed with lung cancer over the summer and so far, Mom-1, cancer-0.   On Sunday night, she relinquished her hair to show the chemotherapy whose boss.   When she walked in, she was dressed to the nines (as usual), full make-up and lipstick (again, typical), and had on an adorable hat on to match her outfit.  She was stunning.   She has always been a beautiful woman.  Now,  there is something so much more poignant about her.  My mom, sans her hair, winning a battle I know nothing about.

Be bold and step away from that mirror for a second.  Don’t fabricate a disingenuous version of you.    Never be ashamed of a flaw.  God worked so hard on you and God doesn’t make mistakes.


Edie Price RN

                                  You have to be odd to be Number One.    -Dr. Seuss

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