On the 1st day of Christmas, Face First gave to me. . .

Ummmm, wasn’t it fall just a few seconds ago?  Before we knew it, the Christmas season was here!  All my girls here at Face say I’m a grinch.  Everyone who knows me says I’m a grinch.  But let’s be honest. . . Christmas can be stressful, expensive, and draining.  Too many places to be, freezing cold weather, it gets dark to early (which is thievery to an outdoors-y girl), it’s gloomy, and I hate to wear a coat.  I’m not into putting up a million dollar miniature snow village; I can’t stand to drag the tree out of the attic (then the lights never work); I’m not about putting up 896 holiday decorations for only 4-6 weeks (although I can live with white lights year ‘round); I’m just not that girl.  When my kids were little, I pulled out all the stops, but they don’t care anymore either.  So, I choose my battles at Christmas.  No tree, no gifts, and a trip to the beach and we are immensely happy.

My biggest issue with the holidays is the loss of meaning.  Christmas means one thing to me, and one thing only.   I love to celebrate the birth of my Savior.  I can do without the hoopla, the presents, the snow, and the innate urge to spend millions on gifts for every person I know.  I love to be with my family.  I love to go somewhere warm in lieu of gifts and create memories.  I love that I live in a country where that is my right.  I love that Someone died FOR ME….  I’m not really a grinch.  I just celebrate different.  I love to see people be kind and giving.  I love to give.  I love to help. 

Today, I had a random follower (someone I sort of know) that started following one of our social media accounts.  Do you ever get a new follower and go to your own page to see what they see, in their perspective?  I did that today.  It was crazy and I almost cried.  I looked over photo after photo of my gorgeous children.  There were photos of them doing the things they love, residing in places they feel confident, needed, and loved.  So many smiling photos of my children, my husband, and myself living life large.  Photos of my business with graphics that I spent way too much time on, but that’s just who I am.  Giving all I’ve got to Face and to my absolutely amazing family.  I looked back over 6 months or so of posts and thought, “wow, Edie…. You are so blessed.  Even on your worst day, you’ve got it all.  The perfect life.  The job so many would love to have.  The boy AND the girl.  A king for a husband.”   Just picture perfect.  But, sometimes it doesn’t feel that way.  Being self-employed is hard.  Being a mom is hard.  Being a wife is hard.  Smiling all day is sometimes hard.  Sending a kid to college is hard.  Working 12-18+ hours a day is hard.  Paying bills is hard.  Pretending to have a great day when your mind is swimming with worry is hard.  Being patient is hard.  Life can really be hard sometimes, and dangit, I have it good, but I hurt for people that really have it HARD.  And as females, we overthink and put way too much pressure on ourselves.  And gosh, we can be so HARD on one another…

I encourage you to scroll back through your own social media or pull out a photo album and go back in time.  Life is such a gift.  My children are the ultimate gifts from the Father.  My husband is solid gold in my eyes.  My family is precious.  My friends I would die for.  My business is all mine and I get to do EVERYDAY what I love to do.  Thank you, Jesus, during this magical time of year for the ultimate sacrifice.  I know that must have been SO HARD.

Now, on to a lighter subject.  Proving everyone wrong… I’m no grinch.  Because here at Face, I am offering my valuable, loyal clients “The 12 Days of Christmas”.  Because life can be hard.  We all deserve a little break.  Treat yourself this season.  Sometimes it okay to take care of YOU!  We’ve put together some steals and packages that will save you A LOT throughout the year to keep up with that gorgeous face!

Our “12 Days of Christmas” to you.  Wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas from our family to yours!  Thank you will never be enough for my clients that have trusted me through the years.  Kisses and Hugs!

Day 1:   Purchase one syringe of filler and 50 units of Dysport for $650.  Value $800.

Day 2:  Dysport $4 per unit until December 31st.  Regularly $5 per unit.

               Dysport Packages:  100 units for $400  Value $500

                                                    150 units for $500  Value $750

Day 3:  HydraFacial this month only $155.   Value $190

               HydraFacial package:  Purchase 3 for $400.  Value $570

Day 4:  TCA Medical Grade Chemical Peel $125  Value:160

               Package:  3 Peels for $375  Value $480

Day 5:  Dermal Filler Buy One Get One Half Off!  $825  Value $1100

Day 6:  Lash Lift/Tint with a Brow Wax/Tint $75  Value $95

Day 7:  Dermaplane Facial $55  Value $65

               Package:  Purchase 3 Dermaplane facials and get 1 free!  $195  Value $260

Day 8:  30 Minute Hydrating Facial $35

Day 9:  Laser Hair Removal Package:  Purchase 3 Laser Hair Removal Sessions, Get 1 Free.  Any Area.

All clients scheduled and who receive a laser treatment this month will receive a coupon for ½ price off a HydraFacial Value $190

Day 10:  Gift Card Blowout!!!  Purchase any of the following and get a BONUS!!

               $100 gift card, get $20 FREE

               $200 gift card, get $40 FREE

               $300 gift card, get $60 FREE

               $400 gift card, get $80 FREE

               $500 gift card, get $100 FREE

Day 11:  40% off All Retail and Dermalogica!  Dec 19-24

Day 12:  Dermaplane Express (quick treatment; cleanse and exfoliate) $35  Value $45

               Purchase 6 Spray Tans for $150  Value $180


Some exclusions may apply.  Call us for all the details.  Schedule now or purchase via phone.  We look forward to serving you in 2020 and we have a few new things coming (wink, wink)!

Peace, love and filler,

Edie Price RN

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